

1. Linux Commands

Berisi command-command linux sebagai cheatsheet.

2. Linux - Tutorial for Beginners

Learn how to use Linux with a bash terminal tutorial in a 13 minute video.

3. Vim Text Editor Basics

Learn the basics of the Vim editor in linux dari video 13 menit.

4. Learn C-Programming

Learn the basics of the C language with a written tutorial and coding examples.

5. Memory Management in C

Explanation of memory management in C.

6. fork() in C

Explanation and a few examples of the fork function in C.

7. [Introduction to Process Synchronization] (https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/introduction-of-process-synchronization/)

A brief introduction to WEEK07’s topic of synchronization.

8. [Linux from Scratch] (https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/)

A comprehensive guide on setting up our own linux.